This innovative split bike seat moves with your legs for maximum comfort.

The vabsRider's unique split seat design offers maximum comfort.

Cycling is a beloved activity enjoyed by millions around the world, offering both health benefits and an eco-friendly mode of transport. However, one common issue many cyclists face is discomfort from traditional bike seats. Enter the vabsRider, an innovative bike seat designed by Australian engineer Robin Macan, which promises to revolutionize your cycling experience with unparalleled comfort and ergonomic support.

The Birth of an Idea

Robin Macan, an engineer from Australia, conceived the idea of the vabsRider in 2016. Driven by a desire to solve the discomfort associated with traditional bike seats, he set out to create a seat that moves with the rider, providing a more natural and comfortable ride. After years of development and testing, the vabsRider was born.

Innovative Design Features

Split Seat Design

At the heart of the vabsRider is its unique split seat design. Unlike conventional bike seats, the vabsRider features two separate sides that move independently. This design allows each side of the saddle to pivot in sync with your pedaling motion, providing a dynamic and responsive riding experience.

Experience a smoother ride with the vabsRider’s independent rotation feature.

Independent Rotation

The independent rotation of the two sides means that the saddle can rotate around the hip joints as you pedal. This results in significantly less pressure on your seat bones and a more even distribution of weight along your femurs. The outcome is a more comfortable ride, especially during long-distance cycling sessions.

Say goodbye to discomfort with the innovative vabsRider bike seat.

System-Specific Seat Post

The vabsRider comes with a system-specific seat post that includes set screws for easy adjustment. This allows you to customize the seat’s fore/aft position and height to fit your body perfectly. The adjustability ensures that you can achieve the optimal riding position for maximum comfort and performance.

Customize your ride with the adjustable vabsRider bike seat.

Adjustable Saddle Angle and Width

In addition to the customizable seat height and position, the vabsRider also allows you to adjust the saddle’s angle and width. This level of customization ensures that the seat can be tailored to fit your body precisely, providing the best possible support and comfort. The primary benefit of the vabsRider is the enhanced comfort it offers. By moving with your legs and distributing weight more evenly. Also, it reduces pressure points and the associated discomfort that many cyclists experience with traditional seats.


The vabsRider by Robin Macan is set to change the way cyclists experience their rides. Its innovative split seat design, independent rotation, and customizable features make it a standout choice for anyone seeking maximum comfort and performance. Whether you’re a casual cyclist or a seasoned pro, the vabsRider offers a revolutionary solution to the age-old problem of bike seat discomfort.

Source: ataraxyBSC

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Samad Hussain June 13, 2024 - 4:29 am
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Bruce Sivyer June 13, 2024 - 12:54 pm
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Margarita Londono June 13, 2024 - 8:53 pm
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Marvin Aguirre June 14, 2024 - 10:11 am
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